IHRR provides Projects and development for Disaster Risk Reduction

A Research Institute established with an objective to assess and understand the risk to contribute for the sustainability complying with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), IHRR envisions to understand the risk and application of interdisciplinary knowledge with technologies to contribute for risk reduction and bridging of academic research with professionals and policymakers for the sustainability.

Our Service

Disaster Consulting Services

With an emphasis on areas vulnerable to flooding and landslides, the Institute for Himalayan Risk Reduction (IHRR) is an expert in offering comprehensive disaster consulting services. Improving community readiness and resilience is the goal of IHRR projects including creating maps of landslide susceptibility, creating flood hazard models, and putting early warning systems in place. Through partnerships with local governments, vulnerability assessments, and the use of cutting-edge technologies such as drones and telemetric stations, IHRR works to equip communities that are at risk of disaster with disaster management plans that are customized to meet their unique needs.